Thursday, November 19, 2009

Bite Me, Gay-Haters!

Ok, I tried to keep this sort of light and funny, but in the light of a recent hateful ruling passed by the state of Connecticut (the jowly Governor seemed to be right on-board with this one), I have to rant. Really. And bless Steve Colbert who brought this to my attention with a hard-hitting and hilarious show about this. According to Steve, this ruling prevented a man in Connecticut from retrieving the dead body of his LOVER. Somehow, loving someone of the same sex when they are dead seemed to be part of the whole gay-marriage imbroglio, where people trumpet the "one man-one woman" rule, as if hoardes of animals (somewhere over 300 I read) never get it on with species of the same sex. As Steve pointed out, we musn't even have cemetaries where gay couples can be buried side by side. Only one man and one dead woman are to be allowed. He also had a riff about "gay zombies" which was wonderful, but which my feeble and shattered brain has lost.
Why so afraid, oh, jowly-chinned governor with the little mean eyes? How can it possibly effect you to have either same-sex marriage or same-sex deaths and cemetaries? Somehow, in our need to pander to the fearful Christian right and folks who support DOMA, we have let cruelty seep into our veins, our mouths, our eyes. As a wildly liberal Christian, I always find it sustaining that Jesus not once--not ever--said anything against homosexuality. Lots about the evils of money. Lots about the evils of rigidly adhering to rules which are impossible to follow. A great deal about letting go of fear and anxiety. So I'm about ready for some light-imbued mystic from another dimension to crash through the doors of this culture and say, gently but firmly, "Fear not." And, "Peace be with you."

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